BERRIES - 100% organic blueberry juice, 500 ml - VALSESIA | - your online wine shop | wide selection, great wines, attractive prices, everything in stock

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Wine > Organic juices for health > BERRIES - 100% organic blueberry juice, 500 ml
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Organic juices for health

BERRIES - 100% organic blueberry juice, 500 ml

Blueberry tastes excellent, it also replenishes the body with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and is a real natural panacea. It protects the immune system, increases the body resistance to infections, helps prevent cancer, stabilizes sugar levels, is known to support eye health and accelerate wound healing, and supports proper digestion. Contains vitamins A, E, C, B1,B2,B6.
Availability: 11
Usually ships in: In 2 -6 days
Your price: 10,95 € 11,30 €

Blueberries contain a wide range of flavonoids , thanks to which they have an extraordinary antioxidant capacity. Blueberry berries are an important source of vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, magnesium) and also contain a high amount of beta-carotene . They are also a source of fiber and an ideal supplement to a healthy diet, as they consist of up to 85% water.

  • Nutritional data per 100 ml of juice:
Energy124 kJ/30 kcal
Fats0.0 g
– of which saturated fatty acids0.0 g
Carbohydrates7.1 g
– of which sugars6.8 g
Proteins0.1 g
Salt<0.01 g

Medicinal effects of blueberries

Blueberries strengthen the immune system, slow down the aging process, purify the blood, help with cholesterol problems, reduce the risk of cancer and relieve stress. But that is only a fraction of what this berry can do to our health.

  • Blueberries protect the immune system and body cells from free radicals, increase the body's resistance to infections. They contain a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which is why they protect the body against inflammation of the oral cavity and larynx. The high iron content supports immunity by increasing hemoglobin and oxygen concentration in the blood.
  • Antioxidants ellagic acid and pterostilbene are considered cancer prevention . At the same time, blueberries help reduce inflammation and the rate of cell division in the intestines, which are risk factors for cancer. Blueberries are a very suitable fruit for diabetics because they stabilize sugar levels , reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood without reducing the level of "good" cholesterol as well. HDL cholesterol.
  • Thanks to the high content of tannins , they help with inflammation of the urinary tract . Anthocyanins, in turn, prevent the E-coli bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder. Eating blueberries increases urine production, which helps flush bacteria from the body.
  • Blueberries contain a special group of antioxidants, the so-called carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin), which support eye health . They regenerate the retina and have been proven to improve eyesight, especially vision in the dark and at night, which was tested on Royal Air Force pilots in the Second World War.
  • They support proper digestion, help with diarrhea , digestive problems, and activate metabolism.
  • Trace elements contained in blueberries - iron, manganese and copper - help in the treatment of anemia .
  • They help prevent cardiovascular diseases and maintain a healthy vascular system. They protect blood vessels from the harmful effects of "bad" LDL cholesterol.
  • They strengthen blood capillaries, improve blood circulation and help transport nutrients in the body, thereby also protecting against senile dementia . It is scientifically proven that blueberries reduce the effects of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease , can improve learning ability and motor skills .
  • Anthocyanins in blueberries speed up wound healing and are beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases, such as psoriasis.
  • They support the production of dopamine, which is why they are also suitable for smoking cessation treatments .
  • The potassium in blueberries removes excess water from the body and removes swelling .
  • During pregnancy, blueberries help with hemorrhoids and digestive problems . They contain iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia , which can occur during pregnancy. Folic acid is extremely necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which has preventive effects against many congenital diseases .
  • They calm the nerves and relieve pain .
  • They help to drain the body and rid the body of toxic substances ( detoxify ).
  • They improve the function of the lymphatic system .
  • Blueberries relieve menstrual pain , heavy bleeding, make it easier for the female body to cope with menopause.
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