BERRIES - 100% organic chokeberry juice, 500 ml - VALSESIA | - your online wine shop | wide selection, organic juices, attractive prices, everything in stock

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Wine > Organic juices for health > BERRIES - 100% organic chokeberry juice, 500 ml
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Organic juices for health

BERRIES - 100% organic chokeberry juice, 500 ml

Aronia is a crop really loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. Inconspicuous dark blue berries are full of positive effects for the human body, they help slow down aging, prevent cell damage, reduce the risk of heart disease, help in the treatment of diabetes, and are effective in the fight against diseases of the urinary system.
Availability: 11
Usually ships in: In 2 -6 days
Your price: 10,95 € 11,30 €

Aronia - its berries are a real vitamin bomb. They contain a high amount of vitamin C , but also vitamins B1, B2 , B3, B5, B6, B9 and P.

Aronia berries have the highest concentration of antioxidants among all fruits . They have a very high "ORAC" value - oxygen radical absorbance capacity - the ability to bind free oxygen radicals, or measure of antioxidant capacity to neutralize free radicals. This value determines the effectiveness of the food in the field of destroying free radicals, and the higher it is, the more effective the antioxidant. Precisely because of the high ORAC value, aronia is included among the so-called "superfoods" - superfoods.

Aronia also contains a high amount of anthocyanins , which act as a natural medicine against free radicals, and other active substances such as carotenes, pectin substances and tannins . Thanks to the content of anthocyanins, it has its specific dark blue color. 100 g of fresh chokeberry berries contain up to 1,480 mg of anthocyanins and 664 mg of proanthocyanidins. They are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Aronia berries are also a rich source of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese, iodine and boron) . It differs from other fruits in its high content of polyphenolic substances and sorbitol – a natural sweetener that is also suitable for diabetics.

  • Nutritional data per 100 ml of juice:
Energy292 kJ/70 kcal
Fats0.1 g
– of which saturated fatty acids0.0 g
Carbohydrates16.6 g
– of which sugars16.1 g
Proteins0.2 g
Salt<0.01 g

Medicinal effects of aronia

Aronia is considered a super crop mainly for its antioxidant effects. Antioxidants slow down aging, prevent cell damage, reduce the risk of heart and degenerative diseases. 100 g of aronia contains up to three times more antioxidants than, for example, blueberries.

  • A great health benefit of chokeberry is its ability to fight against diseases of the urinary system . It contains quinic acid, which makes it 5 to 10 times more effective than the best-known natural remedy for this type of disease – cranberry. Aronia berries help maintain a healthy urinary tract and prevent problems with frequent urination or burning.
  • Aronia also improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and heart attack .
  • Ripe aronia contains a lot of phenols that promote wound healing, remove toxic substances from the body, reduce inflammation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent them from clogging.
  • Aronia berries can prevent spasms and keep blood pressure normal .
  • Aronia fruits reduce the level of glucose in the urine, which helps in the treatment of diabetes . They contain 5 to 10 times more anthocyanin, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals than other types of fruit. Aronia has been found to not raise blood sugar levels, and may even lower them. This can be very beneficial for people who have an onset of diabetes, or it can help people manage diabetes itself.
  • Aronia berries also help in the treatment of stomach problems , such as stomach ulcers or diarrhea. Dried chokeberry is a very good remedy for kidney and stomach problems.
  • Thanks to its high fiber content, it also improves digestion .
  • Last but not least, it should be mentioned that aronia can also help with weight control . It can prevent the body from storing fat in problem areas. A diet enriched with aronia berries helps the body produce good cholesterol.
  • If you include aronia in your diet, you can avoid flu or colds. It supports the immune system and fights against bacteria and viruses . Aronia berries have anti-inflammatory effects and effectively fight against unpleasant external influences that could result in a decrease in immunity.
  • The anticarcinogenic effect of aronia should not be forgotten either. Its dark blue berries are a natural medicine, especially effective for colon cancer. Anthocyanins and anthocyanin pigments slow down the growth of cancer cells. They can even kill part of the attacked cells without affecting the healthy ones. They can slow down the growth of cancer cells by 50-80% without destroying the healthy ones.
  • Other health benefits of aronia include its high content of carotenes, which provide eye protection . They protect cells from damage and eyes from the formation of cataracts. Aronia is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes, for example, from inflammation.
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